Democrats and money...
Well it's Saturday and the MSSM is reporting on some "financial" issues that the Democrats have their fingers in:
Daschle and taxes
Defense Department budget
Congress gives itself $93K for "petty cash"
But Barry has the guts to scold Wall Street about bonuses? Looks like there's a disconnect here. This is a man who stood there during the primary and general election campaign and preached "hope" and "change", and scolded Americans about their SUV's and thermostats cranked up to 72 degrees, but he and his fellow Democrats are spending money like it's going out of benefit their "friends" and "special interests" more that helping us out.
If the Democrats are so concerned about the economy then I have a proposal for them. Every citizen that has files a tax form over the last five years, making less than $100K for single filers, $250K for married, that does not owe back taxes is entitled to a "bailout" of $5-$10K. Money could be used to pay off school loans, credit card debt, saving for college - something to "stimulate the economy".
I don't know about you, but I bet I could put that money to better use than the Democrats and their friends could.
Tip to Drudge Report, Gateway Pundit and Doug Ross @ Journal