Saturday, February 07, 2009

Crap Sandwich (aka the "stimulus" bill)

I'm sure that all of you have read about the Crap Sandwich that the Donks and RINO's in Congress and Obama are about ready to shove down out throats. I'm not a fan of pork barrel politics and this is full of so much pork that it gives me hypertension. I'm not a economists, but here are my ideas of how to jump start the economy:

1. Tax breaks for families that make less than $250K
2. Tax break for small business
3. Waive collection of FICA for 6 months for working families (income less than $250k)
4. Top to bottom review of business practices and employee utilization in all government offices - done by an outside company. Report to President within 120 days, with recommendations for improving business practices, including using contractor/outsides sources that can work more effectively that current organization. Terminate/early retirement for personnel that are considered "redundant" to reduce workforce. Employees terminated from job to get 3 months severance pay; employees forced into early retirement to be paid on a scale based on total years of federal service. Recommended changes to take effect within 180 days of approval by the president.
5. Termination of government programs that are ineffective or performing a redundant function. This includes programs that do not benefit ALL AMERICANS (read funding for ACORN and other organizations like them).
6. Consider merging some cabinet posts/departments that have overlapping functions.
7. Sell off/privatize PBS/NPR/NEA
8. Terminate government funding for research grants that do not have an immediate (less than 5 years) payoff in the following areas - National Defense, Health care, Energy, Agriculture.
9. No payouts to banks or business that can not return to profitability within 2 years.
10. Slash the pay of members of Congress, President, VP, Cabinet members, senior executive staff and federal judges by 15%.

The federal government will never be taken seriously when it comes to looking out for us...this bill shows all of us that they don't have a clue about what is happening to us out here. Until they "get a set" and make some hard decisions, then they need to find other employment at the first available opportunity....courtesy of the voters.

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